Hope to Heal Foundation, bringing HOPE to the vulnerable

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about another pandemic, FOOD! The unemployed, the daily wage workforce and the previously employed, who are now unable to procure a stable income, find themselves, hard hit by the ramifications of the global lockdown. The rate at which this pandemic is escalating, means the food  hampers we strive to bring to as many families as possible, can only at best bring relief for two weeks.

The need for this project was triggered by a distress call I received. Informing me, of a father of six, from Noordgersig, wanting to commit suicide. The family in question, had been without food for a period of three days and the gentleman, finding himself, without the means to afford so much as a loaf of bread for his family. Felt, he could not see them suffer any longer and that ending his life was his only option.

I immediately rallied the resources I had at my disposal and arranged for a team to take the family groceries. The father was so surprised when the team got to his home that he was in tears.

It was then that I truly realised the depth of need out there and felt an overwhelming urge, to do something meaningful to try and alleviate the devastating impact of poverty and hunger, faced by millions on a daily bases. My first call of action was to message a few organisations who already receive funding and corporate support. To see if they will partner with me and sponsor hampers. Momentum soon took place, receiving a message from Glynne from Angle Network informing me to expect a call from a potential sponsor. Today I am pleased to announce that Waverly CAN (Community Action Network) partnered with us to help to uplift the community in Riverlea, South of Johannesburg.   

We are receiving calls daily for support from various regions. It saddens us because we can only help people through support from corporate and the public because we do not receive funding.

Covid-19 Outreach Highlights